Najsavremenija Cambridge srednja škola u regionu
Vaše dete zaslužuje nešto stvarno drugačije – internacionalno obrazovanje po svetskim standardima koje donosi bezbrižnu budućnost.
International School objedinjuje moderno okruženje, primenu najnovijih tehnologija u nastavi, interaktivno učenje, nastavu na engleskom, prestižne Kembridž diplome, bogate vannastavne aktivnosti i poseban pristup obrazovnim potrebama svakog učenika.
Sa zadovoljenim školskim standardima.
Mnoštvo upečatljivih iskustava sa časova i van njih.
Razvija potpun doživljaj učenja.
94% je prolaznost učenika na Kembridž ispitima u International School.
Učenje koje se podrazumeva od škole kakva je International School.
Razvijanje veština budućnosti kod učenika.
Donosi bolje učinke i postignuća učenika.
Za potpunu posvećenost učeniku.
During my four years at the International School, I realised that the Cambridge programme is perfect for me. Not only does the school offer fantastic academic opportunities enabling each student to enrich their portfolio, but it’s also a place full of positive energy thanks to the wonderful teachers
I chose this school because the International Programme opens a lot of doors compared to other schools. The Cambridge International Programme helps me learn in a different environment, prepare for studying abroad and, most importantly, practice my English skills
International School offers a programme that is perfect for students like my daughter, who has received the majority of her education abroad, with only two years spent at a Serbian primary school following a system to which she simply could not adapt. The reason we chose the Cambridge programme is because of the English-mediated lessons which will prepare her to enrol into universities abroad.
International School offers everything a caring parent would want for their child. This school is an ideal choice because it will prepare my son for the future and enable him to continue his studies abroad in the best possible way. The fact that he is able to improve his English skills is just superb.